
  • ★ 【新春特惠】三套課程限時免費下載!- 點此瀏覽課程

    ★ 【新春首發】Logic Pro 11 四套全新課程上線!- 點此瀏覽課程

    ★ 【重要資訊】官網無法下載的朋友請私訊昊子,索取Gumroad備份下載連結(中國大陸/內地的朋友需使用VPN) - 點此私訊

    ★ 【徵求】持續徵求含人聲的Demo作品分軌檔,用來當作混音相關課程的範例音樂 - 有意願者點此私訊

  1. haozi

    取樣 1338個免費的女聲Vocal取樣

    這應該會很實用,分享給各位! What you need to know The samples are supplied in six stylistically themed folders: just open them up and start exploring. All the samples are supplied as 24-bit WAV files so can be imported directly into your DAW or sampler of choice. Because they're royalty-free, you're...